Many more eBooks are available to access through PeaySearch. Try this strategy that searches for the subject keyword "English Composition" in books that are available online.
Woodward Library has full-text electronic access to current issues of the following titles (in addition to many other journals and magazines).
Rhetoricity is a quasi-academic podcast that draws on rhetoric, theory, weird sound effects, and the insights of a lot of other people. It's something that's a little strange and, with luck, a little interesting. The podcast's description will evolve along with it. Most episodes feature interviews with rhetorically oriented rhetoric and writing scholars.
Description: The video above is provided through Alexander Street and is available to students through a subscription provided by Woodward Library. A search for university writing results in access to thousands of videos with captions included. Students will need to authenticate with their library username and password when accessing these titles off-campus. A new tool from ASP called Video Interaction Functionality is now available to faculty members. This functionality promotes student engagement by allowing professors to embed assessment and pedagogical tools within the videos.
Description: The above English composition video comes from SUNY OER Services which is a complete course where students learn about critical thinking, analysis, argumentation, reflection, and making sound rhetorical choices to write effective academic essays. Students also learn techniques for reading, interpreting, and utilizing a variety of sources in their writing. The course content covers key grammatical concepts, multimodal writing, collaboration, research skills, and proper documentation.
This is a list of dedicated search engines, repositories and publishers that are dedicated to open access for higher education.