This textbook serves as an introduction to nutrition for undergraduate students and is the OER textbook for the FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition course at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. The book covers basic concepts in human nutrition, key information about essential nutrients, basic nutritional assessment, and nutrition across the lifespan.
Body Physics sticks to the basic functioning of the human body, from motion to metabolism, as a common theme through which fundamental physics topics are introduced. Related practice, reinforcement and Lab activities are included.
This open textbook for Concepts of Fitness and Wellness at Georgia Highland College covers topics: healthy behaviors, fitness principles, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, body composition, nutrition, weight management, stress, cardiovascular disease, cancer, substance use and abuse, sexually transmitted infections.
Sports are very important and help people increase mobility, optimize performance, and reduce their risk of disease. Sporting activities can have beneficial social, cultural, economic, and psychological effects on health, wellbeing, and the environment. As such, this book discusses a range of principles, methods, techniques, and tools to provide the reader with clear knowledge of variables improving sports' performance processes. Over three sections, chapters considers physical, mechanical, physiological, psychological, and biomechanical aspects of sports performance, sports science, human posture, and musculoskeletal disorders.
Philosophy and the Sciences of Exercise, Health and Sport is a unique interdisciplinary study that calls on researchers in these disciplines to reflect more critically on the nature and aims of scientific enquiry. In doing so, the book questions the underlying assumptions and development of science itself. Written by a range of internationally respected philosophers, scientists and social scientists, each chapter addresses a key issue in research methodology. Questions asked by the authors include: Do natural and social scientists need to understand the philosophy of science? Are statistics misused in sport and exercise science research? Isnbsp;sport science research gender-biased? How do external and commercial interests skew professional guidelines in health and sport reserach? Should scientists focus their attention on confirmation of theories, or on attempts to falsify them? Philosophy and the Sciences of Exercise, Health and Sport serves notice to exercise, health and sport researchers to think more philosophically about their subject and its scientific bases. It is essential reading for postgraduate researchers seeking to establish a sound theoretical foundation for their work.
Concerns have been raised over recent decades about the backpack or school bag weight of children in countries world-wide. A strong association was found between habitual heavy backpack carriage and spinal symptoms such as fatigue, muscle soreness, back pain, numbness, shoulder pain, and even spinal deformity. Numerous studies emerged to reveal the effects of load carriage on energy expenditure, cardiovascular and respiratory response, lung volume and ventilation restriction, gait kinetics and gait kinematics, and muscle activity and fatigue. This book reviews research on load carriage among children.
The fifth edition of Introduction to Exercise Science introduces students to every core area of study in the discipline. It comprises concise chapters which introduce the history, key lines of inquiry relating to both health and performance, technology, certifications, professional associations, and career opportunities associated with each area. No other book offers such a wide-ranging, evidence-based introduction to exercise science. Written by leading and experienced experts, chapters include: reading and interpreting literature measurement in exercise science anatomy in exercise science exercise physiology exercise epidemiology athletic training exercise and sport nutrition biomechanics motor control exercise and sport psychology Packed with pedagogical features--from journal abstract examples to study questions and further reading suggestions--and accompanied by a website including practical lab exercises, Introduction to Exercise Science is a complete resource for a hands-on introduction to the core tenets of exercise science. It is an engaging and invaluable textbook for students beginning undergraduate degrees in Kinesiology, Sport & Exercise Science, Sports Coaching, Strength & Conditioning, Athletic Training, Sports Therapy, Sports Medicine, and Health & Fitness.
Anatomy: A Pressing Concern in Exercise Physiology is a thorough analysis of the importance of anatomy in exercise physiology courses. It presents a series of topics that cover key concept and terms in anatomy, muscle physiology, kinesiology, the use of imagery in anatomy, physical flexibility and the conventional study of cadavers. Readers of the book will receive reliable anatomical knowledge, well-researched cadaver information as well as information about good, useless, and dangerous exercises. Readers will essentially be equipped to supervise exercise training designed to be safe while providing a greater range of physical motion. Anatomy: A Pressing Concern in Exercise Physiology serves as a textbook for exercise physiologists in training and as a handbook for healthcare professionals involved in the physical training or rehabilitation of clients or patients.
Biller integrates research about exercise, nutrition, and health within an applied developmental psychological framework. Readers are presented with ways of making fitness an enjoyable and positive force in their daily lives. Although a major focus is on how to get in shape, Biller's primary mission is to encourage a healthy lifestyle that enriches self-awareness and personal growth. The goal is not just to facilitate physical fitness, but to enhance overall life satisfaction. The book's uniqueness, accordingly, lies in its ability to help individuals develop a creative, playful approach to fitness in all spheres of their lives. While some readers are just beginning to think about fitness because of a desire to lose weight and improve their appearance, others are more interested in refining their athletic skills or achieving a greater balance in their daily activities. Dedicated exercisers often are striving for new routines and ways to prevent burnout. Many parents, moreover, are searching for activities to help their children, as well as themselves, become more fit. Older individuals are especially likely to be concerned about staying healthy and avoiding physical dependence as they age. Biller speaks to all these concerns--and all these groups--by providing an approach to getting in shape that enriches self-understanding and mental vitality.
The scope of Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science (MPEES) covers original measurement research, special issues, and tutorials within six substantive disciplines of physical education and exercise science. Six of the seven sections of MPEES define the substantive disciplines within the purview of the original research to be published in the journal: Exercise Science, Physical Activity, Physical Education Pedagogy, Psychology, Research Methodology and Statistics, and Sport Management and Administration. The seventh section of MPEES, Tutorial and Teacher’s Toolbox, serves to provide an outlet for review and/or didactic manuscripts to be published in the journal. Special issues provide an avenue for a coherent set of manuscripts (e.g., four to five) to collectively focus in-depth on an important and timely measurement-related issue within the scope of MPEES. The primary aim of MPEES is to publish high-impact manuscripts, most of which will focus on original research, that fit within the scope of the journal.
ASCM's flagship monthly peer-reviewed journal is the leading multidisciplinary original research journal for members. Each issue features original investigations, clinical studies and comprehensive reviews on current topics in sports medicine and exercise science.
This exercise is an Action Maze. You will be presented with a series of situations; in each situation, you will need to make a decision on the best way to proceed. Each decision you make will take you to the next part of the maze. If you make all the right decisions, you will be able to complete the maze successfully. You will have four minutes to make all the right decisions and save the casualty.
* lists citations and summaries of articles and entire text of some articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, and reference books
*covers fitness, medicine, nutrition, public health, occupational health & safety, alcohol and drug abuse, HMOs, prescription drugs
*covers items published in the last four years
*included are:
health/medical journals
health care general interest publications
topical overviews from Clinical Reference Systems
PDR Family Guides
Gale encyclopedias
other reference sources
Provides up-to-date information on the complete range of health care topics for students, consumer health researchers, and health care professionals. Includes full-text periodicals, reference books, pamphlets, and hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries to ensure that researchers get current, scholarly, comprehensive answers to health-related questions.
*Integrates the full text and images of respected nursing, allied health and medical journals; consumer health magazines; newsletters; pamphlets; newspaper articles; topical overviews; and reference books
*provides access to personal health information sources in InfoTrac's award-winning Health Reference Center plus 40 full-text nursing and allied health journals
Interactive data tool, allows users to search and explore data and technical information related to the Healthy People 2030 objectives.
Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. For 3 decades, Healthy People has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to:
-Encourage collaborations across communities and sectors.
-Empower individuals toward making informed health decisions.
-Measure the impact of prevention activities.
Introducing Healthy People 2030
Healthy People 2030 continues in this tradition with the launch on December 2, 2020 of its ambitious, yet achievable, 10-year agenda for improving the Nation’s health. Healthy People 2030 is the result of a multiyear process that reflects input from a diverse group of individuals and organizations.
Healthy People 2030 strives to:
-Identify nationwide health improvement priorities.
-Increase public awareness and understanding of the determinants of health, disease, and disability and the opportunities for progress.
- Provide measurable objectives and goals that are applicable at the national, State, and local levels.
-Engage multiple sectors to take actions to strengthen policies and improve practices that are driven by the best available evidence and knowledge.
-Identify critical research, evaluation, and data collection needs.
National Data
DATA2030 allows users to explore the latest national data and trends that are available for Healthy People 2030 objectives. Users can further examine the data that are available for demographic population groups such as race and ethnicity, sex, educational attainment, and income, as well as other groups.
Users can search the available data for Healthy People 2030 objectives by Topic Area and/or data source using the Data Search feature. Users can further refine their search to data that are available for demographic population groups of interest. Users can also choose to display Standard Error and Confidence Intervals where available in search results.
Planning is now underway for Healthy People 2040!
Description: The video channel above is provided through Alexander Street and is available to students through a subscription provided by Woodward Library. It provides access to hundreds of videos on this topic with captions included. Students must authenticate with their library username and password when accessing these titles off-campus. A new tool from ASP called Video Interaction Functionality is now available to faculty members. This functionality promotes student engagement by allowing professors to embed assessment and pedagogical tools within the videos.