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College of Behavioral and Health Sciences (OER Hub): SOC 1010: Introduction to Sociology

OER Materials for Introduction to Sociology

Woodward Library has full-text electronic access to current issues of the following titles (in addition to many other music journals and magazines).

The following examples are available from free video services and library subscriptions.

Description: The channel above is provided through Alexander Street and is available to students through a subscription provided by Woodward Library. It provides access to thousands of videos with captions included. Students will need to authenticate with their library username and password when accessing these titles off-campus. A new tool from ASP called Video Interaction Functionality is now available to faculty members. This functionality promotes student engagement by allowing professors to embed assessment and pedagogical tools within the videos.

Description:  While politics is generally seen as the domain of a civics class (and Craig did a great job of teaching US Government & Politics elsewhere on this channel!) it's something that sociology is interested in too. Today we're looking at the sociological approach to politics, different types of authority and political systems, and different sociological theories of power.

The following examples are available from free streaming services.  These could be used by students for supplemental listening activities.

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