Listed on 50 syllabi at U.S. institutions according to Open Syllabus - OER Metrics as of 10/30/2023.
Listed on 8 syllabi at U.S. institutions according to Open Syllabus - OER Metrics as of 10/30/2023.
These related titles are also available:
Many more eBooks are available to access through PeaySearch. Try this strategy that searches for the subject keyword "physical geology" in books that are available online.
Depending on your subfield of interest, you may also want to search using the subject keywords Petrology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Sedimentary Geology, Stratigraphy, and Structural Geology
Woodward Library has full-text electronic access to current issues of the following titles (in addition to many other related journals and magazines).
A list of journals categorized with the subject Geology can be found in PeaySearch. Some of these may include:
A list of other Geology podcasts is available from FeedSpot.
The following examples are available from free video services and library subscriptions These could be used by students for the virtual viewing of concerts when unable to attend in person.
Description: The video above is provided through Alexander Street Academic Video Online: Premium and is available to students through a subscription provided by Woodward Library. It provides access to thousands of videos with captions included. Students will need to authenticate with their library username and password when accessing these titles off-campus.
Description: The video above is provided through Alexander Street Academic Video Online: Premium and is available to students through a subscription provided by Woodward Library. It provides access to thousands of videos with captions included. Students will need to authenticate with their library username and password when accessing these titles off-campus.
More videos on the subject of Geology are available at the library database above. It features a new tool from ASP called Video Interaction Functionality that is now available to faculty members. This functionality promotes student engagement by allowing professors to embed assessment and pedagogical tools within the videos.
The playlist Volcanoes in the United States is available along with many other geology videos on the GeologyHub YouTube channel.
Open Syllabus - OER Metrics (Earth Sciences)