Research in News and Current Events may require the use of magazines, newspapers, and online news sources. For late breaking coverage, online news sources are by far the most current.
*WorldCat lets you search the collections of libraries near your community and thousands more around the world. You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos—all of the physical items you're used to getting from libraries. You can also discover many kinds of digital content.
*This edition of WorldCat, provided through OCLC FirstSearch, enables users to search multiple terms in specific fields (title, author, subject, etc.) and limit by characteristics such as format, date, or audience level.
A free version is available at
Resources with Electronic Books
Many of the books in these collections will appear in search results from the catalog search above. They may also be searched individually using the links provided below.
*This growing subscription package (EBSCO Academic collection) contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. More than 161,000 titles are included in this package, and additional titles are added to the package each month. Also included in this collection are thousands of previously purchased NetLibrary eBooks from the SoliNet shared collections. NetLibrary was purchased by EBSCO in 2010.
*Books in the Academic Collection have unlimited access and many can be downloaded for offline viewing. See
Electronic Book Collection containing over 134,000 titles as of October 2016. All titles can be viewed online and most downloaded to PC, iOS, or Android.
*Formerly known as ebrary, eBook Central (Academic Complete) is a collection of around 134,000 electronic books provided by Felix G. Woodward Library. The content for this collection covers a wide variety of subject areas and all the titles within this collection can be searched simultaneously. Access is provided to these titles through the link above as well as through the Austin Library Catalog.
Most eBook Central titles include unlimited access and can be downloaded by chapter in PDF format or in full through Adobe Digital Editions or apps for iOS and Android. See for more info.
Around 300 titles may have limited access and only allow 1 user to open the the book at a time (download option not available). Follow the guidelines at the bottom of this text for these titles*.
*There is no time limit for reading a limited ebrary book. However, if another user wants to use the book and places it in their queue, it will be passed on to the next user in the queue after 15 minutes of inactivity. (Being active means turning pages, doing full-text searches, making notes, etc).
*Gale Virtual Reference Library delivers a wealth of electronic reference content in a database format.
*The sources that Gale Virtual Reference Library offers in eBook format include multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company history compilations, consumer health references, and specialized reference sources.
*A list of titles accessible to APSU is available within the resource
*Website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all. It lists over 30,000 free books on the Web.
*Full text electronic version of medical dictionaries, manuals and textbooks focused on the subject of nursing.
Title List:
AACN Procedure Manual for High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care - 7th Ed. (2017)
AAFP Conditions A-Z (2020)
Access Device Standards of Practice for Oncology Nursing (2017)
Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nursing - 8th Ed. (2018)
Cultural and Religious Sensitivity: A Pocket Guide for Health Care Professionals - 3rd Ed. (2018)
Davis's Comprehensive Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications - 8th Ed. (2019)
Davis's Diseases and Disorders: A Nursing Therapeutics Manual - 6th Ed. (2019)
Davis's Drug Guide For Nurses® - 17th Ed. (2021)
EBMcalc Complete Edition
Essentials of Perioperative Nursing - 6th Ed. (2017)
Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education - 6th Ed. (2021)
Evidence Alerts
Fundamental & Advanced Nursing Skills - 3rd Ed. (2010)
High-Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics - 4th Ed. (2019)
ICD-10-CM: Clinical Modification (2020)
ICD-10-PCS: Procedure Coding System (2020)
Integration of Palliative Care in Chronic Conditions: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2017)
Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice - 11th Ed. (2019)
Lippincott Nursing Procedures - 8th Ed. (2019)
Maternal Newborn Nursing Care Plans - 3rd Ed. (2016)
Measurement in Nursing and Health Research - 5th Ed. (2017)
Merck Manual Consumer Version
Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales - 14th Ed. (2016)
Nursing Care Plans: Transitional Patient & Family Centered Care - 7th Ed (2017)
Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, Sparks & Taylor's - 10th Ed. (2017)
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - 4th Ed. (2017)
Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families - 3rd Ed. (2012)
Perinatal Nursing - 5th Ed. (2021)
Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment, Care Plans, and Medications - 9th Ed. (2015)
Stedman's Medical Dictionary (2016)
Thomson Reuters News Alerts
Translation of Evidence into Nursing and Health Care - 3rd Ed. (2021)