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Transitioning from RefWorks: Import to Mendeley

Mendely Options for Import

Mendeley has a variety of options for use and import instructions vary based on the version you choose.  Instructions have been provided below for Mendeley Desktop client and your Mendeley online account or the new Reference Manager download

Import Citations from RefWorks to Mendeley Desktop

Export your citations from RefWorks using the instructions provided on the "Export Citations from RefWorks" tab. Locate the folder where your exported files were saved.

  1. Download and install the Mendeley Desktop application.
  2. Open the application and log-in.
  3. If you want to match the same folder system you had in RefWorks and you exported each RefWorks folder individually, you will need to create new folders in Mendeley using the same folder names (click on "Create Folder" or use the Create New Folder icon).
  4. Click on the created folder in Mendeley that  matches your exported file from RefWorks or select "All Documents" if you want to import all you RefWorks citations at once.
    Mendeley Screenshot
  5. On the toolbar, go to ​File > Import > BibTeX (*.bib).
    Mendeley screenshot
  6. Select the BibTeX file that you want to import (choose the file that matches the selected folder title if you are not importing all citations at once).
    Mendeley screenshot
  7. The references should now appear in your Mendeley library.  Your references can also be accessed through the web with your account on

Import Citations to your Online Mendeley Account or Mendeley Reference Manager

Export your citations from RefWorks using the instructions provided on the "Export Citations from RefWorks" tab. Locate the folder where your exported files were saved.

  1. Download and install Mendeley Reference Manager or login to your Mendeley Online account. 
  2. Make sure the folder labeled "All References" is selected.
    Mendeley RM screenshot
  3. Open the file location on your device where you stored the BibTeX or RIS files downloaded from RefWorks.

  4. Drag and drop the desired file into the Mendeley interface or click "Add New" > "Import Library >" > "BibTeX (*.bib)" and choose the desired file to import. If you wanted to import all your citations from RefWorks at once, you should be able to access your citations in the All References folder.
    Mendeley RM screenshot

    If you wanted to set up the same folders you had in RefWorks, you will need to create a new "collection" with the matching folder name from RefWorks, select the files you just imported, and move them to the appropriate collection. Repeat this process for all the separate files you downloaded from RefWorks.
    Mendeley RM screenshot

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