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Articles from over 100 key psychology journals published by APA and affiliated journals
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Authoritative index for education research with links to full-text resources
School Counselors as Supervisors - Mark D. Nelson and Patrick Johnson [eJournal]
A Model of School Counseling Supervision - Chris Wood and Andrea Dixon Rayle [eJournal]
The ASCA National Mode - American School Counselor Association [website[
Tennessee Comprehensive School Counseling Model - TN Dept. of Education [website]
School Counseling Standards - American School Counselor Association [website]
Theories of Human Development - David Capuzzi, Mark D Stauffer, and Tammie O'Neil [eBook]
The Life Course as Developmental Theory - Glen H. Elder Jr. [eJournal]
Understanding Adolescents for Helping Professionals: Adolescent Problems - Avidan Milevsky [eBook]
Building Rapport with Students - [website]
A Model for Interdisciplinary Collaboration - Laura R. Bronstein [eJournal]
Opportunities and Challenges in the Supervisory Relationship - Quinn M. Pearson [eJournal]
Introduction to School Counseling: Models and Approaches of School Counseling - Robert J. Wright [eBook]
Creativity in School Counseling - Selena Rokeach-Brown [website]
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