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One way to find a topic to research is to scan the available issues of Annual Review of Financial Economics listed at the very bottom of Annual Reviews (Electronic Back Volume Collection) along with other economic-related annual reviews; go to the direct link at
Read the article (chapter) titles and their abstracts to identify current topics. Each year, the most significant primary research literature is critically reviewed to guide you to the principal contributions of the field and help you keep up to date in your area of research.
Use the Business Research Guide to find, access, manage, and organize your sources. Under the Article Database tab you will find business-related databases (e.g., ABI/INFORM Complete) to search.
NOTE: Remember to use a citation manager like EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley to capture citation information for sources that you find as you are searching a database. Citations may be exported into citation managers from the database as you are conducting your search.
Plan your search strategy carefully before you begin typing words.
Do you want to start broad and then sift through lots of results? Do you prefer starting with a small number of precise results, then use each article's list of article references to broaden retrieval?
Broad - Use All or Full Text search which looks throughout the record and full-text article
Less Broad - Use Keyword search limiting to title, abstract and subject headings
Most Precise (fewest results) Use Subject search limiting to subject headings