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Open Access: Research and Scholarship: What is Open Access?

Open access presents a departure from traditional models of publishing, where access to scholarly content is often restricted by subscription fees or paywalls. By embracing open access, researchers and creators are empowering the dissemination of their wo

What to know about Open Access

  • Free availability: Open access emphasizes that scholarly and creative works should be available online free of charge and barriers to access.
  • Open licensing: Open access works are often released under licenses that permit certain uses while retaining important rights for the creators.
  • Immediate access: Open access works are typically available immediately upon publication, rather than being subject to subscription based delays.
  • Unrestricted use: Open access encourages the use of works for educational, research, and creative purposes without the traditional limitations.
  • Visibility and impact: Open access can enhance the visibility and impact of works, as they are more easily discoverable.
  • Inclusivity and equity: Open access seeks to break down barrier to information access, especially in regions or institutions with limited resources.

What is Open Access (OA)?

Orange and white open access words with logo and an open combination lock also orange and white



Open access seeks to advance knowledge, research, and education open access is a transformative force in these areas. Open access embodies the principle that scholarly and creative works should be freely accessible to anyone, anywhere, fostering a global exchange of ideas and removing barriers to information. 

Open Access Explained

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Stephanie Bandel
Felix G. Woodward Library
Room 319
(931) 221-7611
Subjects: Languages, Literature