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NURS 4120: Clinical Integration: Get Started

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Nursing 3210 - Introduction to Nursing Research - CINAHL Assignment

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research Studies

For this class, you will be expected to find a number of qualitative and quantitative research studies.  Here is a brief description of the differences between the two:

  • Qualitative research: Characterizes, but does not measure.  Qualitative data is not numeric and is often subjective.  Researchers use qualitative data to look for motivation and points of view.  The data is often collected from essay questions, focus groups, interviews, case studies, portfolios, and “open-ended” questions, using a small sample or even a single case. Responses are not easily a analyzed. 
  • Quantitative research: Measures, but does not characterize.  Quantitative data is numeric, statistically reliable, and objective.  Researchers use quantitative data to look for facts and causes.  The data is collected from “closed” questions, multiple choice tests, true/false questions, and scales, using a large sample.  Quantitative data is easily analyzed using software.

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