Attwood, Adam. “Experiencing Art and Social Science: A Multimodal Poetic Perception of Social Ecological Cohesion.” In Imagining Dewey: Artful Works and Dialogue about Art as Experience, edited by Patricia Maarhuis and A. G. Rud, Vol. 8. Doing Arts Thinking: Arts Practice, Research and Education. Brill, 2021.
Attwood, Adam and Jill L. Gerber. “Comic Books and Graphic Novels for the Differentiated Humanities Classroom.” Kappa Delta Pi Record 56, no. 4 (2020).
Gold, Moniqueka E. Introduction to Special Education: The Spectrum of Disabilities. Kona Publishing and Media Group, 2019.
Harris, Jenny and Catherine Gatewood-Keim. “The More We Work Together: Supporting Student Research through Librarian-Faculty Collaboration in an Online Graduate Course.” In Approaches to Liaison Librarianship: Innovations in Organization & Engagement, edited by Robin Canuel and Chad Crichton. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2021.
Loftus, Anna R., John R. McConnell III, Christina Chester-Fangman, and Gina Garber. “An Exploratory Study on the Effectiveness of Interactive Video Tutorials on APA Writing Proficiency in Graduate Education Students.” Distance Learning 16, no. 3 (2019).
McConnell, John, Benita Bruster, Cheryl Lambert, and James Thompson. “Growing Your Own Educational Leaders: Implications for Rural School Districts and Institutions of Higher Education.” The Rural Educator 42, no. 3 (2021).
Short, Philip, Harvey Henson, and John McConnell, eds. Age of Inference: Cultivating a Scientific Mindset. Information Age Publishing, 2021.
Xiao, Bing. “EdTPA Is Coming: Video Makes Embodied Practices Visible.” International Journal of Social Policy and Education 2, no. 1 (2020).
Xiao, Bing. “How to Use Videos in Preparing Teachers.” National Social Science Journal 55, no. 2 (2021).
Xiao, Bing. “Using the Body as the Teaching Tool.” International Journal of Social Policy and Education 2, no. 4 (2020).
Xiao, Bing, Benita Bruster, and Hanrui He. Effective Online Teaching: Strategies, Resources, Technologies, and Approaches. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2021.
Zimmerle, Joanna C. “Safe, Sound, and Private: Promoting Data Protection for Students.” Computers in the Schools 38, no. 1 (2021).
Attwood, Adam. “Experiencing Art and Social Science: A Multimodal Poetic Perception of Social Ecological Cohesion.” In Imagining Dewey: Artful Works and Dialogue about Art as Experience, edited by Patricia Maarhuis and A. G. Rud, Vol. 8. Doing Arts Thinking: Arts Practice, Research and Education. Brill, 2021.
Attwood, Adam and Jill L. Gerber. “Comic Books and Graphic Novels for the Differentiated Humanities Classroom.” Kappa Delta Pi Record 56, no. 4 (2020).
Gold, Moniqueka E. Introduction to Special Education: The Spectrum of Disabilities. Kona Publishing and Media Group, 2019.
Harris, Jenny and Catherine Gatewood-Keim. “The More We Work Together: Supporting Student Research through Librarian-Faculty Collaboration in an Online Graduate Course.” In Approaches to Liaison Librarianship: Innovations in Organization & Engagement, edited by Robin Canuel and Chad Crichton. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2021.
Loftus, Anna R., John R. McConnell III, Christina Chester-Fangman, and Gina Nigro. “An Exploratory Study on the Effectiveness of Interactive Video Tutorials on APA Writing Proficiency in Graduate Education Students.” Distance Learning 16, no. 3 (2019).
McConnell, John, Benita Bruster, Cheryl Lambert, and James Thompson. “Growing Your Own Educational Leaders: Implications for Rural School Districts and Institutions of Higher Education.” The Rural Educator 42, no. 3 (2021).
Short, Philip, Harvey Henson, and John McConnell, eds. Age of Inference: Cultivating a Scientific Mindset. Information Age Publishing, 2021.
Xiao, Bing. “EdTPA Is Coming: Video Makes Embodied Practices Visible.” International Journal of Social Policy and Education 2, no. 1 (2020).
Xiao, Bing. Hands-On Activities and Teachers’ Use of Manipulatives. Macro World Publishing, 2021.
Xiao, Bing. “How to Use Videos in Preparing Teachers.” National Social Science Journal 55, no. 2 (2021).
Xiao, Bing. “Using the Body as the Teaching Tool.” International Journal of Social Policy and Education 2, no. 4 (2020).
Xiao, Bing, Benita Bruster, and Hanrui He. Effective Online Teaching: Strategies, Resources, Technologies, and Approaches. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2021.
Zimmerle, Joanna C. “Safe, Sound, and Private: Promoting Data Protection for Students.” Computers in the Schools 38, no. 1 (2021).