Farid, Diana and Billy Renkl (illustrations). When You Breathe. Cameron + Kids, 2020.
Morris, Anthony J. “Pissed On or Pissed Off: Andy Warhol’s Oxidized Portrait of Jean-Michel Basquiat.” Art Inquiries 18, no. 1 (2020).
Renkl, Margaret and Billy Renkl (illustrations). Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss. Milkweed Editions, 2019.
Smithers, Tamara. “Surpassing Nature: Raphael’s Artistic Apotheosis.” In Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art: The Influence of Marcia Hall, edited by Arthur J. Di Furia and Ian Verstegan. De Gruyter, 2021.
Wolynec, Lisa Read, Janice Crews, Spencer Prewitt, Amy Gillick, Bob Eason, Jan Corrothers, Michael Chandler, and Michael Reynolds. “Virtual Performance for the 11th Annual International RioWinds Festival, Presented by MUSICA NO MUSEU in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Featuring Music Department Faculty and Arts Staff from Austin Peay State University.” Music concert, Mabry Concert Hall, APSU, September 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlDxxfJLd7s.
Chakrabarti, Kakali Bhattacharya. “Gendered Impact of Environmental Pollution, A Case Study from West Bengal, India.” Philadelphia, PA: American Public Health Association, 2019.
Shipley, Melody J., Kim Coggins, Kenneth C. Shipley, and David Ellison. “Community-Based Art Therapy Program to Honor 9/11.” Journal of Creativity in Mental Health Counseling 16, no. 2 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/15401383.2020.1757003.
Zhang, Yunying and Eun-Jeong Han. “Comparative Study of Intercultural Sensitivity of College Students in Two Distinctive Institutions in the U.S.” Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 48, no. 5 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1080/17475759.2019.1662825.
Zhang, Yunying and Eun-Jeong Han. “The Effectiveness of Technologies-Mediated Cross-Campus Teaching and Learning and Its Effects on Students’ Intercultural Competence.” Intercultural Communication Studies 29, no. 2 (2020). https://www-s3-live.kent.edu/s3fs-root/s3fs-public/file/4-ZHANGHAN.pdf.
Zhang, Yunying, Eun-Jeong Han, Phi Phuong Tran, and Alexis Tan. “Stereotype Formation: An Examination of Three Contesting Models in Vietnam.” Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 29, no. 2 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1075/japc.00032.zha.
Banerjee, Soma. The Making of Modern Physics in Colonial India. Routledge Press, 2020.
Browder, Dewey. “Book Review: ‘Tennessee Statesman Harry T. Burn: Woman Suffrage, Free Elections & a Life of Service,’ by Tyler L. Boyd.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 79 (Winter 2020).
Chakrabarti, Kakali Bhattacharya. “Gendered Impact of Environmental Pollution, A Case Study from West Bengal, India.” Philadelphia, PA: American Public Health Association, 2019.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo. “Femicidio: La Mujer Como Causa de Despecho Entre Dos Hermanos En Conflicto Emocional En ‘La Intrusa’ de Jorge Luis Borges.” Acta Iassyensia Comparations 23, no. 1 (June 2019).
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo. “Injured and Suffering Bodies: The Trafficking and Femicide of Dominican Immigrant Women in Puerto Rico.” Perichoresis 17, no. 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.2478/perc-2020- 0010.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Fabián Mossello. Crisis Del Sistema Capitalista En La Novela Negra Hispana. Editorial Brujas, 2021.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Fabián Mossello. Femicrímenes: Femicidios En La Literatura Del Siglo XX y XXI. Editorial Teseo, 2020.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Nadina Olmedo, editors. “La Crisis Del Sistema Capitalista En La Literatura y El Cine Hispanos.” Polifonía 11, no. 1 (2021). https://www.apsu.edu/polifonia/.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Nadina Olmedo, editors. “Melodrama y Géneros Populares.” Polifonía 9, no. 1 (2019). https://www.apsu.edu/polifonia/.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Nadina Olmedo, editors. “Una Década En Revisión: Tema Libre Sobre La Literatura y El Cine Hispano.” Polifonía: Revista de Estudios Académicos 10, no. 1 (2020). https://www.apsu.edu/polifonia/.
Dornich, Joe. The Ways We Get By. Black Lawrence Press, 2021.
Farid, Diana and Billy Renkl (illustrations). When You Breathe. Cameron + Kids, 2020.
Grisham, Joanna. “Baptism.” The Write Launch, no. 49 (2021).
Grisham, Joanna. “Love Story, a First Memory.” Construction Literary Magazine, 2020.
Grisham, Joanna. “The River.” In 30 Poets, 30 Poems: A Clarksville Anthology, edited by Barry Kitterman. Clarksville-Montgomery County Arts & Heritage Development Council, 2020.
Kershner, Stephen M. “Statius’ Dynamic Absence in the Narrative Frame of the Middle-Irish Togail Na Tebe.” In The Medieval Cultures of the Irish Sea and the North Sea, edited by J. F. Nagy and C. MacQuarrie. Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
Kershner, Stephen M. “What Can Taylor Swift Do for Your Latin Prose Composition Students? Using Popular Music to Teach Ancient Poetry Analysis Skills.” Teaching Classical Languages 10, no. 2 (2019). https://tcl.camws.org/sites/default/files/KershnerTCL10.2.pdf.
Kershner, Stephen M. and Audrey L. Anton. “The Ancient Hellenic Virtue of Success.” In Conflict and Competition: Agon in Western Greece: Selected Essays from the 2019 Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece, edited by Heather L. Reid, John Serrati, and Tim Sorg, Vol. 5. Parnassos Press – Fonte Aretusa, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv15tt78p.13.
Morris, Anthony J. “Pissed On or Pissed Off: Andy Warhol’s Oxidized Portrait of Jean-Michel Basquiat.” Art Inquiries 18, no. 1 (2020).
Renkl, Margaret and Billy Renkl (illustrations). Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss. Milkweed Editions, 2019.
Rocheleau, Jordy. “Legitimate Authority as a Jus Ad Bellum Condition: Defense of a Procedural Requirement in Just War Theory.” Journal of Military Ethics 19, no. 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1080/15027570.2020.1799486.
Rocheleau, Jordy. New Interventionist Just War Theory: A Critique. Routledge, 2021.
Shipley, Melody J., Kim Coggins, Kenneth C. Shipley, and David Ellison. “Community-Based Art Therapy Program to Honor 9/11.” Journal of Creativity in Mental Health Counseling 16, no. 2 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/15401383.2020.1757003.
Smithers, Tamara. “Surpassing Nature: Raphael’s Artistic Apotheosis.” In Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art: The Influence of Marcia Hall, edited by Arthur J. Di Furia and Ian Verstegan. De Gruyter, 2021.
Uffelman, Minoa. “Foreword to Taproots of Tennessee: Historic Sites and Timeless Recipes, by Lynne Drysdale Patterson.” University of Tennessee Press, 2019.
Uffelman, Minoa. “Review of ‘The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote,’ by Elaine Weiss.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 78, no. 1 (Spring 2019).
Uffelman, Minoa, Ellen Kanervo, Phyllis Smith, and Eleanor Williams. The Diary of Serepta Jordan: A Southern Woman’s Struggle with War and Family, 1857–1864. University of Tennessee Press, 2020.
Wesley, Timothy. “APSU Professor & Civil War Historian Weighs in on the Debate about Confederate Memorialization.” Clarksville Now. June 29, 2020. https://clarksvillenow.com/local/op-ed-apsu-professor-civil-war-historian-weighs-in-on-thedebate-about-confederate-memorialization/.
Wesley, Timothy. “Religion in the Civil War Era.” In The Cambridge History of the American Civil War, edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean, Vol. 3: Affairs of the People. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Wesley, Timothy. Tennessee State Capitol Commission Testimony before Their 9-2 Vote in Favor of Moving the Nathan Bedford Forrest Bust to the Tennessee State Museum, § Tennessee State Capitol Commission (2020). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afA1LciPHtI.
Wolynec, Lisa Read, Janice Crews, Spencer Prewitt, Amy Gillick, Bob Eason, Jan Corrothers, Michael Chandler, and Michael Reynolds. “Virtual Performance for the 11th Annual International RioWinds Festival, Presented by MUSICA NO MUSEU in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Featuring Music Department Faculty and Arts Staff from Austin Peay State University.” Music concert, Mabry Concert Hall, APSU, September 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlDxxfJLd7s.
Wright, Amy. Paper Concert: A Conversation in the Round. Sarabande Books, 2021.
Zhang, Yunying and Eun-Jeong Han. “Comparative Study of Intercultural Sensitivity of College Students in Two Distinctive Institutions in the U.S.” Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 48, no. 5 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1080/17475759.2019.1662825.
Zhang, Yunying and Eun-Jeong Han. “The Effectiveness of Technologies-Mediated Cross-Campus Teaching and Learning and Its Effects on Students’ Intercultural Competence.” Intercultural Communication Studies 29, no. 2 (2020). https://www-s3-live.kent.edu/s3fs-root/s3fs-public/file/4-ZHANGHAN.pdf.
Zhang, Yunying, Eun-Jeong Han, Phi Phuong Tran, and Alexis Tan. “Stereotype Formation: An Examination of Three Contesting Models in Vietnam.” Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 29, no. 2 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1075/japc.00032.zha.
Zieren, Gregory R. “Review: Douglas Carl Peifer, ‘Choosing War: Presidential Decisions.’” Journal of Military History 84, no. 1 (2020).
Zieren, Gregory R. “Review: Thomas Doherty, ‘Hollywood and Hitler, 1933-1939.’” Yearbook of German-American Studies 55 (October 2021).
Banerjee, Soma. The Making of Modern Physics in Colonial India. Routledge Press, 2020.
Browder, Dewey. “Book Review: ‘Tennessee Statesman Harry T. Burn: Woman Suffrage, Free Elections & a Life of Service,’ by Tyler L. Boyd.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 79 (Winter 2020).
Rocheleau, Jordy. “Legitimate Authority as a Jus Ad Bellum Condition: Defense of a Procedural Requirement in Just War Theory.” Journal of Military Ethics 19, no. 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1080/15027570.2020.1799486.
Rocheleau, Jordy. New Interventionist Just War Theory: A Critique. Routledge, 2021.
Uffelman, Minoa. “Foreword to Taproots of Tennessee: Historic Sites and Timeless Recipes, by Lynne Drysdale Patterson.” University of Tennessee Press, 2019.
Uffelman, Minoa, Ellen Kanervo, Phyllis Smith, and Eleanor Williams. The Diary of Serepta Jordan: A Southern Woman’s Struggle with War and Family, 1857–1864. University of Tennessee Press, 2020.
Uffelman, Minoa. “Review of ‘The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote,’ by Elaine Weiss.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 78, no. 1 (Spring 2019).
Wesley, Timothy. “APSU Professor & Civil War Historian Weighs in on the Debate about Confederate Memorialization.” Clarksville Now. June 29, 2020. https://clarksvillenow.com/local/op-ed-apsu-professor-civil-war-historian-weighs-in-on-thedebate-about-confederate-memorialization/.
Wesley, Timothy. “Religion in the Civil War Era.” In The Cambridge History of the American Civil War, edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean, Vol. 3: Affairs of the People. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Wesley, Timothy. Tennessee State Capitol Commission Testimony before Their 9-2 Vote in Favor of Moving the Nathan Bedford Forrest Bust to the Tennessee State Museum, § Tennessee State Capitol Commission (2020). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afA1LciPHtI.
Zieren, Gregory R. “Review: Douglas Carl Peifer, ‘Choosing War: Presidential Decisions.’” Journal of Military History 84, no. 1 (2020).
Zieren, Gregory R. “Review: Thomas Doherty, ‘Hollywood and Hitler, 1933-1939.’” Yearbook of German-American Studies 55 (October 2021).
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Fabián Mossello. Crisis Del Sistema Capitalista En La Novela Negra Hispana. Editorial Brujas, 2021.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo. “Femicidio: La Mujer Como Causa de Despecho Entre Dos Hermanos En Conflicto Emocional En ‘La Intrusa’ de Jorge Luis Borges.” Acta Iassyensia Comparations 23, no. 1 (June 2019).
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Fabián Mossello. Femicrímenes: Femicidios En La Literatura Del Siglo XX y XXI. Editorial Teseo, 2020.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo. “Injured and Suffering Bodies: The Trafficking and Femicide of Dominican Immigrant Women in Puerto Rico.” Perichoresis 17, no. 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.2478/perc-2020- 0010.
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Nadina Olmedo, editors. “La Crisis Del Sistema Capitalista En La Literatura y El Cine Hispanos.” Polifonía 11, no. 1 (2021).
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Nadina Olmedo, editors. “Melodrama y Géneros Populares.” Polifonía 9, no. 1 (2019).
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo and Nadina Olmedo, editors. “Una Década En Revisión: Tema Libre Sobre La Literatura y El Cine Hispano.” Polifonía: Revista de Estudios Académicos 10, no. 1 (2020).
Dornich, Joe. The Ways We Get By. Black Lawrence Press, 2021.
Grisham, Joanna. “Baptism.” The Write Launch, no. 49 (2021).
Grisham, Joanna. “Love Story, a First Memory.” Construction Literary Magazine, 2020.
Grisham, Joanna. “The River.” In 30 Poets, 30 Poems: A Clarksville Anthology, edited by Barry Kitterman. Clarksville-Montgomery County Arts & Heritage Development Council, 2020.
Kershner, Stephen M. and Audrey L. Anton. “The Ancient Hellenic Virtue of Success.” In Conflict and Competition: Agon in Western Greece: Selected Essays from the 2019 Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece, edited by Heather L. Reid, John Serrati, and Tim Sorg, Vol. 5. Parnassos Press – Fonte Aretusa, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv15tt78p.13.
Kershner, Stephen M. “Statius’ Dynamic Absence in the Narrative Frame of the Middle-Irish Togail Na Tebe.” In The Medieval Cultures of the Irish Sea and the North Sea, edited by J. F. Nagy and C. MacQuarrie. Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
Kershner, Stephen M. “What Can Taylor Swift Do for Your Latin Prose Composition Students? Using Popular Music to Teach Ancient Poetry Analysis Skills.” Teaching Classical Languages 10, no. 2 (2019). https://tcl.camws.org/sites/default/files/KershnerTCL10.2.pdf.
Wright, Amy. Paper Concert: A Conversation in the Round. Sarabande Books, 2021.
Wolynec, Lisa Read, Janice Crews, Spencer Prewitt, Amy Gillick, Bob Eason, Jan Corrothers, Michael Chandler, and Michael Reynolds. “Virtual Performance for the 11th Annual International RioWinds Festival, Presented by MUSICA NO MUSEU in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Featuring Music Department Faculty and Arts Staff from Austin Peay State University.” Music concert, Mabry Concert Hall, APSU, September 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlDxxfJLd7s.