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Interlibrary Loan: Requesting Resources

Requesting Items

Log in to Interlibrary Loan Here

Faculty and staff may request on-campus delivery for items already in Woodward Library's collection by filling out the On-Campus Delivery Form.


Check Availability First

Please check the Woodward Library catalog and online databases before submitting an interlibrary loan request. The library may already own the item or document that you need. 

For books, book chapters, DVDs, and other media, check the library catalog

For journal articles, search for the journal title in BrowZine.

Theses and dissertations may be found in the library catalog or one of our relevant databases

For music scores, consult the library's music scores and sheet music guide

Books and articles can also be requested through WorldCat. If the library does not own the resource, a Request Item through Interlibrary Loan icon will appear. This icon will automatically transfer you to your interlibrary loan account 

image of worldcat search result with arrow pointing towards interlibrary loan button

Requesting Resources in ILLiad

Once you have logged in to ILLiad, you can request articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, or theses. 

Textbooks and required readings for class cannot be requested through interlibrary loan. If you need assistance acquiring these resources, consult the resources listed in our textbook policy

On the left-hand menu, locate New Request and click on the type of resource needed. Fill out the appropriate fields. Depending on the resource, required information can include authors/editors, title, and page range needed. If available, it is recommended that you also include a standard number, such as the ISBN or ISSN. For music scores, foreign language titles, or other instances in which a specific edition is needed, including the OCLC number from a relevant record in WorldCat can ensure that you receive the correct item. To find the OCLC number, search for the item needed, click on the correct record, and locate the OCLC number under View Description (see image below).

Click Submit Request after filling out the form. 

Example of a complete book request form:

image of a complete book request form

Example of an OCLC number located in WorldCat.

image of search result in Worldcat