Note: At this time, eBooks from EBL, Ebrary, and EBSCO cannot be "checked out" from Woodwad Library public computers since the download must stay with the copy of Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) it is downloaded to and is only transferrable to the devices synced to that copy of ADE. The online full-text view is available at library workstations.
Check-out available for select items for 7 days. Clicking on "Show Details" will allow you to see if you can check-out and read offline.
When you click an EBSCO ebook record, you get the following screen. Remember, these can only be downloaded on your personal computer. Note that EBSCO requires you set up a free account to download books. For downloading eBooks and reading them off-line on your computer or portable device, Adobe Digital Editions is required.
When setting up an account, look for the "Create New Account" tab in the login screen:
If you elect to download, you will get a download window. After download is complete, clicking on the saved file will open the title in Adoble Digital Editions.
Note: You must download Adobe Editions to view the book. A link for downloading Adobe Digital Editions is supplied. Make sure to authorize your account with the Adobe ID you set up.
Make sure you download to the "My Digital Editions" folder in your "My Documents" folder - this is where Adobe Digital Editions will look for the item to display it in your library.
To check for an EBSCO eBook that includes Unlimited Access, find an eBook of interest and navigate to the Detailed Record.
The Detail Record contains the license information, displaying either Limited Access (1 or 3 copies available) or Unlimited Access.
For limited access titles, you may still save and use PDF chapters in your class. However, if you’d like to link to the title or make the title available for everyone to view online or download at the same time, you’ll want to make sure the title has an Unlimited User Access. (You can contact your librarian to expand the user rights for most titles).
This tutorial demonstrates the download functionality for EBSCO eBooks as well as how to use Adobe Digital Editions to transfer them to a compatible eReader device.