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Open Access Publishing Opportunities for APSU Faculty Members and Students: Transformative Agreements (Read & Publish)

Woodward Library has partnered with publishers to allow you publish in Open Access journals for free (with no article processing fees).

What is a Transformative Agreement?

Woodward Library has entered into transformative agreements (also known as Read and Publish agreements), which enable APSU students, faculty and staff members to publish their research as open access (OA) without the need to pay an article processing charge (APC). APC fees can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars depending on the journal. Unless otherwise stated, all OA articles covered by these agreements will be published with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.

A transformative agreement is a way for institutions to maintain access to scholarly content available only through subscription, while supporting the transition to open access publishing by their affiliated researchers. Institutions are, in effect, redirecting their expenditures on subscriptions to cover the open access article processing charges.

Please see the "APSU Publishing Agreements" tab above for a list of journal publishers (and their individual journals) for which APSU members can publish for free due to waived publication fees. 

Advantages of Publishing Your Work as Open Access

Did you know that 75% of OA articles get more citations than their non-OA equivalents, receiving on average 30-50% more citations?  See more stats on the advantages of OA from Cambridge UP.

OA advantages graphic

For more advantages and some problems with Open Access publishing, see Advantages of Open Access,

Cambridge University Press @ APSU

Cambridge OA publish ad

Open Access Journal Types

Journals in a group

Gold OA journals make all published content Open access immediately upon publication. To cover the costs of gold OA, the publishers normally charge a one-time fee to the authors or the institution, known as Article Processing Charge (APC).

Hybrid journals include both open access articles and closed access articles. In this journal, two types of articles coexist: those that are freely accessible upon payment of an APC and those only accessible through paid subscription.

See the links below for more OA types and definitions.